Numbers 6 to 49 on My To Do List
I decided that my 50th year on the planet in this particular
incarnation of mine is going to be the best year ever. Number 49 seemed to be a
really bad one, as bad years go for me, so I am going to get back up and do it
higher than ever. The first thing I did was to shave off my white beard,
leaving a ridiculous looking mustache (yeah, I'm smiling right now). Now maybe I
am going to take after one of my childhood heroes, the Danish vagabond Eiler
Larsen, or more commonly known as the Laguna Beach Greeter. He was always
waving and smiling at people, even people he didn't even know! I heard a tale
recently about how Yochanan ben Zakai, the leader of the Jewish people during
and after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, would also go out
of his way to say hello to passersby, even before they could say hello to him.
What an amazing thing to do!
Speaking of the dastardly number 49… that is also the level that the
Jewish people sunk to in Egypt, before they were swooped out, just in the nick
of time, by Hashem and a plethora of miracles. Segue into this week's pasha: Shmot
(Exodus 1:1-6:1). Yeah, we are about to embark upon the Exodus, baby! I'm just
going to try to catch that wave, if I can… It's like when we count the Omer; we
never count the 50th day, since it is just beyond our ability… or
something like that. 50 is the realm of Heaven, not of this Earth. We are
leaving the exile and traveling into the bosom of Heaven, strait to the Land of
Hey! This year is the 6th year that I have lived in Israel
and, yes, 6 is a good number, too… You know: the 6th Day and all
that? Adam ha Rishon was created on the 6th Day (it must have been
Rosh ha Shana too, so Happy New Year…!) and the world was perfect then, without
darkness to ruin the paradise that we were meant to enjoy with the company of
God. It was Friday afternoon, just like right now for me, and Adam ha Rishon had
already asked for a companion that was separate from himself. He had already
asked to have Eve extricated from his back, splitting Him/Herself right down
the middle, and creating Adam and Eve, male and female. It could all have been
perfect, if only we hadn't let our ego run amok. We were partners in the Garden
with Hashem and, due to our selfish pride, we allowed the Snake to be born,
then to sway us down the path of darkness, away from perfection, the sublime
relationship between each other and God, and then swirling into chaos…
Well, I'm not going to do that (bisrat Hashem!). I figure that if I am
friendly to everyone around me, waving and smiling as much as I can, it can
only be a good thing, don't you think? Well, I hope they don't lock me up or
something… OK, since I don't have too much time before Shabbat comes, I have to
go and get ready. When Day Six ends, I want to be as ready as I can be for Day
Seven, because once it begins, there is no going back. Day Seven is my recharge
day, the day that I push the big reset button in my life (yes, I'm smiling
again…!). Can you feel it? Hmmm, yeah, I'm waving too!
I love all of you out there! Shabbat Shalom!!!