Ravikum and the Multiverse


Mishka Fet has an eye to the sky and sees a lone creature living on a floating fish scale swerving about in midair, dry, and hovering. The creature is Ravikum, who believes that the land he sees far down below him is really a giant fish swimming on the surface of a giant sea—so, our story is partially about how Mishka Fet is forever captured by the image of Ravikum, and our story is also about perceptional awareness, and dreaming of fish.

Our story begins here:

"In the beginning, in a time before knowing, there was a man who stood on the edge of a world. Mishka Fet looked up to the skies night in and day out, at the twilight of being, but he almost never saw anything worth mentioning. Up until once, when in a sharp little corner of vision, Mishka saw a scale flipping. From origin it must have been fish, but in reality it could not be so. For fish swimming most often occurred far down below. 

Mishka blinked and missed nothing as it passed overhead, “It cannot be that something else could only be and ‘then’ be said,” he thought. But, just then, he saw it again, a faint and small blink sparking out life as if something was actually there from the beginning. The scale flipping caught the light of the world under Mishka’s feet and shone it back down, calling for help, sailing on the wind, and quite possibly not minding. Involuntarily, Mishka’s mind erupted into thoughts—screaming—while standing upon his precipice of unknowing; and then … Mishka’s mind fractured back into knowing, which filled in everything, all the blanks extending back to the beginning.  

Mishka had seen something move, something to tell. A life was being lived up there all pell-mell he knew, so Mishka said it to everyone all around him. “There is a life up above, on something small, floating about on the wind, like a fish scale twirling, like a world unknown.” It cannot be that no one can see, thought Mishka, “A life up above with living to give!? My purpose is clear, and has been from the start, the time I spend dreaming is plainly more than it appears. “Someone is up there. I know it! If only you’d all listen to the sights unfolding! There is up there a being shaking, a being unable to steer, full of fear, and flipping end-over … completely quaking!” 

So, with care, gently, Mishka’s mind reached out with his hand and fingers clasping, like transporting daddy long legs’ by pinching, and then his mind placed the scale down with its world atop still reeling. 

“No, no way!” said the voice of reason. “There is nothing there and nothing worth seeing!” 

“Believe me,” said Mishka Fet, “I tell you sincerely that I see something big on that small thing. It’s not just a scale dried out, once attached to a fish somewhere about, there’s someone there I can see and quite likely there are more! Possibly there could be a whole world of beings just waiting to be seen!” said Mishka to the, oh so dour … reason. 

“I think you’re a fool!” laughed the voice of reason..." 

For the remaining pages, please click here to download the PDF from my website: 


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